A life transformed by Christ.


This season of Advent is commemorating the first coming of Christ as our Lord and Saviour and anticipating the second coming of Christ as the King of Kings.

Our walk with the Lord Jesus Christ is very real and life transforming indeed.

Here is a story of one of our leaders/ members of ICF, Rohan from the UK. A life transformed by Christ.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, I came to ICF almost seven years ago very lost in my faith. The Lord had great mercy on my wife and I. He started to draw us in and I thank God for Pastor Leslie and Aunty Linda for their prayers and for their patience in discipling us. Many a time, Pastor’s teaching was tough for me to take but after reading and quietly reflecting, we came to one mind – upholding the supreme authority of God’s Word. By God’s grace, my wife, Nhung, received Jesus as her personal Lord and Saviour through ICF’s Ladies Bible Study, got baptised in ICF and then the Good Lord blessed us with two wonderful kids.

Five years ago, I started serving in the Worship Team and have been blessed with joy in making beautiful music for the Lord and new skills. Two years ago, I was invited into the ICF leadership and have had a chance to pray share and serve together. I was a co-leader of our Life Group (weekly Bible Study small group). I was also a co-coordinator with the Worship Team (with Hock Chuan) and a co-coordinator the Audio-Visual Team (with Daniel). This is also part of my training and equipping. Now, the Lord has called us back to my home land in the UK to serve Jesus full-time in the church.

We will keep praying that ICF will continue to be a house of blessings to all nations and please bear us in mind as we encounter new challenges. Praise be to God!


Photo: Baby Micah, a miracle baby for the Mohanty Family!

If you are looking for an English speaking service to worship please write to the Pastor’s office for the zoom home Sunday Service link to join ICF worship during this lockdown period.