Ash Wednesday


Today is Ash Wednesday (22 February). It marks the beginning of the 40 days of Lent. It is a time to pray, fast, reflect and repent – returning to the Lord with our whole heart. Let us dwell in the things that are precious in the Kingdom – take time to reflect on Christ’s love and sufferings that leads to His death on the Cross. We have been so contaminated with the things of this world and may we begin to grasp the cost of our sins that nailed Jesus to the cross. The Lord is ever ready to run to embrace us as we walk back slowly to Him in repentance and seeking His forgiveness and acceptance back to His side.

We love because He first loved us – 1 John 4:19

A House of Blessings to all Nations
Rev Leslie Lim

We are a licensed International English Speaking church that worships together on Sunday at 11 AM, Level 2, Hoa Hung Evangelical Church in District 10. We welcome all foreigners and friends.

Our Family from Namibia
Our British Vistors and Member
Our Visitor from Melbourne, Vic, Australia
Our members and a visiting US family from Houston, Texas, USA
Our visitors from Singapore
Our Visitors from Netherlands