Celebrating Easter


We had just celebrated Easter 21st April (and 28th April Eastern Orthodox). The Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ is the most important declaration of our faith. If Christ died and remained dead then our faith is nothing to shout about. We are the most pitiful people in this planet earth.

Precisely Jesus rose on the third day and that changed the world. The people who believe in Him begin to live lives to the fullest and nothing is going to be the same again. It is no longer business as usual… it is now Father’s business is the real deal. Not going about our Father’s business will be a loss to us who believe. In fact, we rejoice and celebrate the Resurrection of Christ everyday!

ICF continues to welcome some visitors from US, Philippines, Singapore and Malaysia. Together, with diversity of ethnicities, we worship the Risen Redeemer, the Mighty Conquerer over death and sin. We are no longer slaves to fear but freed to children of God. We are thankful that we have the freedom to worship our God in a very safe nation.

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!

If you are looking for an English Speaking, Inter-denominational Church for worship and fellowship in Ho Chi Minh City. We welcome you to join us in our Sunday Service
