We have passed the half mark of the Christian season of Advent. “Adventus” in Latin means “arrival” or “coming”. Lighting up each candle as each Advent Sunday comes along. We are going to light up the fourth Advent Candle this coming Sunday in anticipation of the Christmas Day celebration. As a church, we are reminded that as we make preparation for Christmas that ushered the coming of Baby Jesus, the greatest gift from our loving Maker which happened two thousand years ago, let us be prepared for the second coming of Jesus Christ. This time we will receive the King of Kings in His full glory and majesty instead of a meek sweet baby found in a manger.
ICF very own Advent Candle Wreath is prepared by our sister Shiny Hong. Christmas Tree decorated by our sister Rachel Jang. Our weekly beautiful floral arrangement is done by our sister Tranquilina.
If you are looking for an English Speaking, Inter-denominational Church for worship and fellowship in Ho Chi Minh City. We welcome you to join us in our Sunday Service