Season of Lent


We are midway into the Christian season of Lent. Lent comes from the Old English word “Lencten” which means “spring”

We continued to see visitors as far as from United Kingdom and at the same time we bade farewell to two wonderful brothers one from D. R. Congo and the other from Singapore as they completed their journey here to begin another in other parts of the world.

Some of our leaders and members were invited to attend a Singapore Event to receive and welcome the Singapore Deputy Prime Minister Mr Teo Chee Hean to Ho Chi Minh City.

Why do we fast or give things up or give to the needy in the Season of Lent?

Many Christians seize the opportunity in Lent to give up something like skipping a meal (fasting); to abstain from certain foods even bad habit; or/ and to contribute to good works for those who are disadvantaged.

Such experience expresses our identity with Jesus Christ and his sacrificial and suffering journey to the Cross.

During Lent, we in ICF may choose to abstain from something in particular – like a food item or luxury like chocolate or caffeine, or a particular habit like drinking or smoking.

We recognised we are blessed and we, in turn, want to be a blessing to our society. Therefore ICF is seizing to provide an evening meal (bento-packed food) to give to to some 20 needy in HCMC per week during this Season of Lent and will continue to do so for a year.

May we grow in awareness and sensitivity to our neighbours who are in need.

If you are looking for an English Speaking, Inter-denominational Church for worship and fellowship in Ho Chi Minh City. We welcome you to join us in our Sunday Service
